Unleashing Your Inner Strengths - Confidence in Communication

Unique, tailored training and coaching aimed at empowering business professionals to present themselves, their company and their products/services in a self-confident, likeable and convincing manner.

Tailored Trainings and Coachings

The ability to present complex information to international audiences and clients requires more than just a solid understanding of the English language. R&D and business professionals must be able to use their communication skills to quickly build relationships with their clients and address their interests in an convincing way. My trainings and coaching empowers participants to do just that while creating a personal brand that reflects their unique portfolio and targeted image.

Participants will learn :

  • to develop a self-confident and authentic personal style
  • techniques to reduce and even eliminate fear and nervourness
  • a proven system to organize and structure presentations to get buy-in from listeners
  • strategies to increase one´s likeability and de-escalate conflicts
  • methods for dealing with difficult questions and people


Holly Shores

I was inspired to start my career in communications for academics and business professionals after working at a German university as an English lecturer. I realized that communication involved so much more than speaking a language accurately. This led me to branch out and become a corporate presentation trainor in New York City, where I learned to help others tailor their presentations for the most effective communications. I studied to be certified as an NLP Master Practitioner, Systemischer Business Coach, and trainer for persolog® Personlichkeits-Modell  to further enhance my trainings. For over the last 25 years I have been applying these skills in Germany for renowned German innovation and business leaders. 

 These are some of the qualifications I bring to my training and coachings:

  • 25+ years experience as a presentation trainer and coach
  • Masters of Arts in Applied Linguistics and English as a Second Language from American University, Washington, D.C.
  • NLP Master Practitioner, The Performance Partnership, London
  • systemischer Business Coach, Würzburger Businesscoach Akademie
  • certified trainer for the persolog® Persönlichkeits-Modell 


In progress.

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Holly Shores
Training and Coaching
Lucia-Popp-Bogen 74
81245 München
E-Mail: info@hollyshorestraining.com
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